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Project Management

Project management is a very large, broad term as we see it.  From implementing new solutions, building out existing processes/solutions further, upgrading existing processes/solutions, getting up to speed on compliances, et cetera.  No matter what the project, we have found a select few things to hold true and to be required for a successful project:  Flexibility, communication, and matching the right resources to the engagement.  


Flexibility:  Each project is unique and this is why we always approach each engagement with flexibility in mind.  The templates used in other engagements won't fit just right, they must be tailored.  The processes may have key elements and philosophies that remain true, but these too must be tailored.  By coming in and admitting that we don't know your specifics that you work with we save a lot of time trying to make you fit "one size fits all" practices. Beyond this projects always uncover additional areas of improvement or have some element of the unexpected occur.  By remaining flexible we can accommodate and tackle each challenge or uncovered item without delay, holdup, et cetera.  


Communication:  Without being able to communicate the needs, scope, priorities, potential impacts, issues, plan, et cetera then both sides will suffer.  We make all our staff attend communication courses/classes in order to best serve our clients.  From communicating with your end users to your executive team to the architects, we have dynamic approaches and processes for each level.  We are here to help bridge the gaps between business and tech, from end users to developers, from departments to executives, et cetera. 


The Right Resources:  There is something to be said about making sure there is a good pairing between resources and engagements.  With the wrong pairing it's very typical to see confidence, communication, process, et cetera breakdowns while raising the costs and diminishing the return on your investments.  This is why we make sure we match the right resources for the engagement beyond whether they meet the requirements or not.  We also encourage all of our team to stay up to date on best practices, certifications, methodologies, et cetera.  


We're open to running a project to your company's pre-set practices or help lead you through a project using best practices and effective methodologies.  From Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Kanban, SAFE, Lean Six Sigma, et cetera to combined, unique applications taken from a combination of practices - We are able to help keep you on track.  


In the end, we are here to help you and your company ascend.  If we cannot do that, then this is not a strategic partnership and we'll be up front about it.  With this philosophy and honesty, we have built strong connections with our clients and have delivered for them time and time again.  

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